Yea, I heard of kids with illnesses that were rare, but I never actually saw it. I never even thought about it, to be honest.
I had no idea what a feeding tube really was. I thought it was for old people on hospice. Never heard if an ng, nj, gj tube or tpn. I had no clue how many people, let alone children, depended on these things to survive.
I knew nothing about heartrates or o2 levels. I didn't know the difference between sedation and intubation. Gastroperisis, dysautonomia and mitochondrial disease weren't in my vocabulary. Id never met a pt, slp, dietician or ot. Now all those things are an every week occurence.
5 years ago, I didn't know some of my friends. I met a large group of moms through Facebook support groups after Jaxson got his tube. A few of these moms have become my best friends. Its awesome to be able to talk to them, understand them and them understand me.
I've also watched some of these kids from facebook-land grow up. I've seen their successes and celebrated with them. I've watched them have surgeries and hospitalizations, and I've cried for them. A few have passed away. At this exact moment, there are a few fighting for their life. Although I don't know them all face to face, I've watched their journeys and grown to love them. It hurts to see so much pain.
It reminds me how fortunate I am. Its just so different now. All the things that used to worry me...I can't even remember what they were anymore. My family has struggled so much. My heart has changed and my perception of things are scewed. I have seen too much. I value life so much more than I ever did and I think I am a better person and mom for It. I try to remember to appreciate what I have. Even when I feel like my life is crumbling to pieces, I know things could be much worse. I'm glad they aren't. I still get sad over *minor* things of course, but at the end if the day, I know I'm pretty lucky.
Entering this world of medically complex, special needs or whatever you'd call it...sucks. I had no idea being a mom would be so hard. Its not supposed to be. But I have learned a lot and so have my kids. I will never let a day pass that I don't hug each one of my babies and tell them I love them. I will always try to remember that my bad day is a day someone else is praying to have.