I am overprotective. I am too permissive.
My kids are too loud. My kids are too shy.
I spoil them. I don't give them enough.
My kids don't have enough responsibility. I don't let them be just kids.
I discipline either to strict or too lenient.
The kids are in too many activities or not enough.
I'm well aware of my faults.
What you don't see is this:
My child is taking her clothes off because she has sensory problems. She gets occupational therapy for that.
My child wears sandals in cool weather...its because she is at an age to take responsibility for her own decisions and I'm trying to teach her to be independent. Nobody has ever died from chilly feet.
My son throws a tantrum or starts crying...its because he is stressed out because you won't stop hounding him to speak to you. He has a speech disorder and is aware that people can't understand him well. He gets embarrassed and that is how he reacts.
I can't be a room mom or volunteer,although id like to. Instead, I'm home taking care of my little ones, doing therapies and appointments. Its not that I don't want to be there, I can't be.
Yes, my younger two kids are tube fed. That wasn't my choice. Its not because its easier. Its because without it, their health was suffering. They won't eat if they get hungry enough. Its not a matter of pickiness. Its a medical condition and if left for battle of the wills, they'd rather starve.
My car is a mess, I forget to sign permission slips and sometimes(often) I call my kids by the wrong name. I am exhausted a lot and have bad days. However, I wouldn't have it any other way. My kids are worth it all. (and they know that)
I used to be like you, judgmental mother. I never saw the world like I do now. When I see an 8yr old throwing a temper tantrum, I understand. If I see a 4yr old with a bottle, I get it. I might not know why, but I know there's a reason.
I don't always make the right choices. I never got an instruction book. Some decisions I make are based entirely on being tired or worn out. There is a reason for that too.
I like my imperfect life. I like to learn from my mistakes and allow my children to learn from theirs. I'm not afraid to admit to them that Ive screwed up. They need to know its OK. Nobody is perfect. I'm raising independent, strong and very well loved children. They are happy. They will grow up to be great adults, no matter if they choose to believe me they need a coat on or not. That's really all that matters.
So, judgemental mother, I hope you understand. I'm not going to grimace at you for all the things I disagree with. I just want you to remember, I already know how imperfect I am.
Mom of the year
Jamie, I love you! I love reading all of your blogs and posts on fb. You are an amazing mother! Actually you are an amazng woman and I am so happy I know you. You give me so much inspiration on a daily basis. You are mother of the year and anyone who disagrees with that isn't worth ur time. Xoxo