Mothers day is quite a holiday. We pack in thanks to our mothers for the entire one day.
My kids always look forward to mothers day. I think its just below Christmas on their important holiday list. But why?
I want mothers day to become mothers year! Skip the cards, kids. They are cute and sweet, but defy the point.
This is what I want for mothers year.
My kids not to suck. No more attitudes. No screaming, fighting, crying and tantrums. Id love to not have to break an ankle trying to navigate their bedrooms full of junk scattered. Id love for someone to just the refrigerator door or flush a toilet when done peeing. I would love to take a bath without kids dangling over the edge playing in my water. Id like to go potty without someone saying "I see your peepee". Id like a can of Pepsi...untouched and mine.
I want my kids to be healthy. I want them to sleep, eat, play, grow. I don't want to check heartrates and blood pressures. I don't want to do calorie and fluid counts. I would rather chop my arm off than sit in the hospital one more night. I don't want to clean up vomit or diarrhea. Id love a full year of no nebulizer treatments, pulsox machines and feeding pumps. I want regular, healthy kids.
But then...
They wouldn't be who they are. I don't want that. My kids are one of a kind. They make mistakes. They aren't perfect. They have a great understanding of life, are braver than most and see the world in a unique way. They learn to fight their battles. They make me appreciate how lucky I am.
I love that all of my kids still snuggle me. Even Ty, at 12, likes to sit with me and talk. I love that they are secure enough to get pissed at me. They know my love for them is unconditional. I love that they think I'm supermom. They push me further than id ever had pushed myself.
Their giggles are worth it all. The hugs and "I love you" makes a bad day great. When Leeya looks up at me and says "you bef fen" (your my best friend) melts my heart. Watching them become little people is amazing to me. I've got super cool kids, most of the time. I'm lucky to be their mom!
So, I guess I have to take the bad to get the good. Id rather have THESE kids than any other. They are the reason I'm breathing. I love them beyond words. And they know it. That's really all I need for Mother's year.
Maybe the card will be nice again this year too.
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